Friday, April 2, 2010

Trout Lilies Revisited

They're blooming! This is a photo of the first Trout Lily I found today with a flower. Enjoy them while you can; they are the brief candles of the spring flora.

I thought because I walked alone today, dogless, that I would see all kinds of wildlife, and get great photos to post. Wrong. Too much tourist activity, I suppose. The fauna were laying low.

I was instead reminded of how I became a wildflower fancier in the first place: if they're growing someplace, they usually stay there, and you can see them again and again, until you remember and know them. And wildflowers (sometimes known as "weeds") grow in amazing places. On foot in Chicago in my youth I noticed opportunistic plants in alleys, under elevated train tracks, in pavement cracks. I sometimes thought that if humans just stopped maintaining infrastructure, the plants would take everything back in a season or two. Concrete? No problem for tree roots....

Later on my walk I happened upon a squirrel smooching the road, which it did long enough for me to get this photo. Some strange spring squirrel ritual, perhaps? A car approached and the squirrel wisely left the road.

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