"Tomorrow" was a false promise.
The video I took of the [idyllic] "sludge pond" after it had been back-hoed into mud and clay is too big to upload. I wonder how many singing frogs met their doom under the back-filling of the pond.
I know that the cemetery is not:
- a wildlife preserve
- my personal property
- protected wilderness
I also know that the "sludge pond" is where extra earth is dumped in the course of maintaining the cemetery, and that open water there might be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. It nonetheless bothered me very much to see the frog (and duck, and sometimes heron) pond turned into a featureless flat of brown dirt. I'll post a still picture of its magnificent ugliness.
Life intervened, as it often does, and we haven't walked much (or for very long) since April.
However, Jake was very enthusiastic about his walk today, plunging into the underbrush after (to me) unseen quarry. The foliage was wet, and so was his head when we returned home.
I found another wonderful feather, too.
All in all a good morning.